What is Spiritual Direction?


Spiritual Direction, despite its title, involves minimal "directing" in the conventional sense. In his role as a spiritual director, Dr. Lance Bolay functions more as a supportive companion than a teacher, coach, or mentor. Emphasizing a friendly approach, his primary objectives include active listening and posing thoughtful questions to better comprehend and honor each client in their entirety. Through this process, clients gain deeper insights into themselves.

However, the essence of these conversations extends beyond mere dialogue.

The purpose of the spiritual direction relationship is to delve into matters of ultimate significance for the client. This encompasses discussions on the meaning and purpose of life, faith, God, one's religious upbringing, and worldview. For many, spiritual direction provides a valuable pause for reflection—a moment to derive meaning from relationships, marvel at life's mysteries, contemplate their understanding and experience of God and the world, unravel more layers of their identity, and rediscover their life's direction.